Friday Aug 25, 2023
Get Real, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh get real and discuss the latest trends in news and events. Zi always talks about "word salads" which means the combination of different words to form new meanings. Except, we don't really understand these new meanings. A side effect of cancel culture is that we now police each others words and speech, we're not able to be real or speak to our authentic truth because someone out there will be offended. How do we navigate through this moment in culture? Master Zi and Vindesh share what they have learned when they have followed this rabbit hole.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Where Do We Go? By Master Zi and Vindesh
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh continue their conversation about navigating life during chaotic times. Covid taught us a lot about the state of humanity, and why mental health is so important. This episode reflects on our personal journeys through chaos and why community and finding your "tribe" is the next area of where our evolution takes place. We use the term opt-out for a reason, and refer to our audience as opt outs because we no longer want to contribute to societal behaviors that are not aligned with our overall health and wellness. The guys share their personal ideas of what the world looks like when we find our place of belonging.
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Mass Insanity, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh discuss the current trends in mental health across the country. Changes in the world and our socioeconomic landscape are happening fast. Living in the digital era, everyone has a platform and place to voice their opinions, but is it really good for our health to be taking in all of this information? Some ideologies being presented are not in the best interests of everyone, but if we disagree, there can be public backlash. So how do we navigate through this and make sure our overall health remains intact? Master Zi shares his perspective and thoughts on herd mentality and avoiding some of the pitfalls of too much information.
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Understanding Culture Pt. 2, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh continue the discussion on why it's beneficial to understand cultural backgrounds and trends. Our early life experiences shape our whole reality, and anyone who breaks from a group will often see how their identity has been woven into that group's belief system. Understanding this concept can help us determine if that is truly beneficial for our health and well being. It can also help us navigate relationships especially in cases where our partner's come from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Biased News, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
We're back from taking a summer break! This week Master Zi and Vindesh discuss why sifting through the news cycle is a necessary but tedious task to get the whole story. Since we've been gone, we have lost hundreds of migrants along the Greek coast as well as 5 billionaires on a recreational journey to see the Titanic. Which story do you think garnered more attention? Exactly. This week we discuss why sourcing our news sources is just as important as sourcing the food we eat, because most often we are being misled by wording or marketing.
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Active Listening, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh discuss active listening and why clear communication is essential for sustainable relationships. It's worth developing this skill set and doing reflective exercises to understand what your communication style is and how to improve it. The guys take a look at what exactly is active listening by drawing from their personal lives.
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Art Inspires, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh discuss why art is so important for the well-being of humanity. Art can be an inspiration or catalyst for change, which is why it's so often banned. There are many studies on why art therapy, music theory, and dance has a positive effect on emotional regulation and is cathartic. This is why we need to protect it from A.I. because it's the most human way of expressing our lived experiences. This episode we dive into different periods of time where art and music shaped cultural movements and action.
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Endgame, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
On this episode Master Zi and Vindesh ask themselves, "what do we truly want." It's easy to get lost in the daily chaos. We are in the habit of our attention being diverted by family, co-workers, social media. Furthermore, entitlement and drama pulls us away from our truest desires. We could spend a lifetime getting lost in the rabbit hole, but whats the anti-dote? Master Zi shares why it's important to know your endgame, how do you want to live your life?
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Rise of A.I. by Master Zi and Vindesh
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh talk about the rise of A.I. and the potential, life threatening implications of using this technology. On one hand, not at all A.I. tech has evil intentions, but then again, it is being programmed and made by humans. Pioneers of this tech have already stated warnings about misusing artificial intelligence. We explore how current society trends are prepping us to turnover parts of our lives to A.I. and how that can help or hinder our overall health.
Thursday May 25, 2023
Controlling the Mind, By Master Zi and Vindesh
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
This week Master Zi and Vindesh discuss why learning how to control your mind and thoughts is the most valuable skillset you can set out to achieve. Breathing techniques are a great tool to bringing us in the present because it requires complete focus to maintain the rhythms. The guys talk about why cognitive decline is becoming rampant and why stilling the mind is essential for our health.