Monday Apr 08, 2019
Nowhere To Run
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Nowhere to run to, baby. Nowhere to hide. When desires are endless. And the demons are inside.
The mind loves to run. It runs towards hopes and dreams, towards a future that promises success and love and self-esteem and peace of mind. It runs away, away from the present, from the boredom and insecurity and anxiety that we feel. Yet in reality there is nowhere to run! How can we run towards a fantasy, a figment of our imagination? And how can we run away, away from the demons inside?
In truth we cannot hide from our pain, we cannot escape our discontent. What is the solution? Stop running! Accept life, with all of its warts and imperfections. Accept your anger, your frustrations, your failures, your limitations. As we stop running we realize that life is ok, that we are ok, that we can survive and we can thrive. We may discover a beauty, a joy, a coherence, that we never knew existed.
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Friday Mar 29, 2019
Yes but.... by VinDesh
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Contentment is the highest state of being. It is absolute, unconditional. It does not depend on circumstances beyond our control. It does not demand that others act in certain ways. It guarantees our freedom. Well yes, but...
“Yes, but you don’t understand. My boss is a jerk. I recently lost my home. My marriage just ended. How can I feel content?”
To hell with these excuses! Contentment does not require that other people treat us nicely, or that all our dreams come true. Contentment arises when we drop expectations and stop trying to control. When we become more fluid.
Approach life like a newborn child, filled with curiosity and wonder, delighted to watch life unfold. Reclaim your power. Reclaim your contentment. And reclaim your freedom.
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Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Is It Worth It? By Master Zi and VinDesh
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
We talked about what matters, and defining what matters to us... but is it worth it? Are our lifestyle choices WORTH our time? Our energy? The demands they place on our health?
To answer this question, we need to know the value of what we sacrifice. Are WE worth it? What is the value of our health? Our peace of mind? The pleasure of our company?
Examine your life. Develop conviction in your self-worth. And make sure that whatever you direct your energy towards provides something equally valuable in exchange.
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Friday Mar 22, 2019
A World Within A World by VinDesh
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
We all want to feel safe, from disease, from pain, from irrelevance, from loss. So we create our own world inside the real world. A world with certain rules. A world that says, if we treat others well, good things will happen. Or a world that says, If we make a lot of money, we will feel important and other people will respect us.
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Embrace Irrelevance by VinDesh
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Our lives feel incredibly important, to us. Our needs, our priorities, take center stage. Yet no one else cares! Others have their own needs, their own priorities. Our existence amounts to a brief flash in the infinities of space and time. Soon after we die, the world will forget we existed.
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
What Matters - Part II, by Master Zi and VinDesh
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
What matters to us in life? What makes us feel passionate, excited, energized, and engaged? Without clarity on what matters, life loses its color and texture. We simply go through the motions and our spirit quietly dies. Decide what matters to you. Not what society, or politicians, or family, or religion, tell you should matter. But what truly resonates with you and sustains you. And then build your life around what matters. You will unleash a fire, a creativity, a sense of purpose, that you never knew existed.
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Friday Mar 01, 2019
Enough is Enough, by VinDesh
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
We have learned to equate "more" with happiness. Yet "more" undermines its own objectives, it guarantees our unhappiness. If we always need more, we always feel insecure and discontent. Instead of searching for more, learn to ask, "What is Enough?" By defining what is enough...enough money, enough status, enough activity...we create the capacity to enjoy life. To feel successful. And to appreciate what we have.
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Friday Feb 22, 2019
Freedom, by VinDesh
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Freedom is vital to the human experience. Generations have fought and died for freedom. Our society celebrates its freedom...but are we truly free? And if not, how can we reclaim our freedom, reclaim the richness and beauty of life, and express the true essence of ourselves?
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Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
What Matters, by Master Zi and VinDesh
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
What matters to us in life?
What makes us feel passionate, excited, energized, and engaged? Without clarity on what matters, life loses its color and texture. We simply go through the motions and our spirit quietly dies.
Decide what matters to you. Not what society, or politicians, or family, or religion, tell you should matter. But what truly resonates with you and sustains you. And then build your life around what matters. You will unleash a fire, a creativity, a sense of purpose, that you never knew existed.
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Friday Feb 15, 2019
The Original Error, by VinDesh
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019