
Monday May 13, 2019
Strengthen The Core, By VinDesh
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Strength starts with the core. In sports, a strong midsection can improve balance, stability, and explosiveness. Movement and coordination originate within the core and project outwards.
The same principle holds true in life. Our success, and our happiness, depend on a strong sense of self. Confidence in our abilities. Clarity of purpose. Contentment with who we are. Absent a strong sense of self, we will always feel anxious, insecure, and internally conflicted.
Too often we blame external conditions for problems that originate inside. We seek a partner who can validate us, even though we don’t feel good about ourselves. We hope to escape the monotony of our lives, even though we have stifled our passion and creativity.
So strengthen the core. Work on your health; feed your intellect; unleash your fire. A strong core will improve all aspects of your life.
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