Monday Apr 08, 2019
Nowhere To Run
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Nowhere to run to, baby. Nowhere to hide. When desires are endless. And the demons are inside.
The mind loves to run. It runs towards hopes and dreams, towards a future that promises success and love and self-esteem and peace of mind. It runs away, away from the present, from the boredom and insecurity and anxiety that we feel. Yet in reality there is nowhere to run! How can we run towards a fantasy, a figment of our imagination? And how can we run away, away from the demons inside?
In truth we cannot hide from our pain, we cannot escape our discontent. What is the solution? Stop running! Accept life, with all of its warts and imperfections. Accept your anger, your frustrations, your failures, your limitations. As we stop running we realize that life is ok, that we are ok, that we can survive and we can thrive. We may discover a beauty, a joy, a coherence, that we never knew existed.
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