Monday May 27, 2019
Mind Games, by VinDesh
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
We tend to blame others for our problems. My boss is ruining my career...my partner makes unreasonable demands...other people are just so freakin' annoying! Similarly, we regret our past decisions. If I had married my college sweetheart, my life would have been perfect. And we hang our hopes on the future. Once I retire, my life will be great!
Yet even if others have hurt us, or our past decisions limit us, or some future event holds the key to our happiness, so what? We cannot change others, we cannot change the past, and who knows what the future will bring. To move forward, we need to take action! So why do we play these mind games?
Because they create the illusion of control. If our boss is ruining our life, we can comfort ourselves by imagining his death. If we should have invested in Amazon twenty years ago, we can envision the money we would have made. We can spin a thousand scenarios, each of which feels better than our present situation. And because we never try, we can avoid failure and disappointment. We simply live in our minds.
But if we play these games, our situation will never improve. We will never evolve. We will simply stagnate and rot from the inside. So stop the mind games! Instead of blaming, instead of waiting, address your problems head on. Resolve to act, right now, not in some distant future. As we begin to move forward we become stronger. We develop confidence in ourselves. We learn to build the life we desire and to enjoy each step of the process.
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