Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Check Yourself, By VinDesh
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Checklists can be extremely useful. We use checklists to figure out why a baby cries. To make sure that a surgeon operates on the right patient. To prevent planes from falling out of the sky. But we rarely use checklists on ourselves.
And we miss a huge opportunity. Oftentimes, our physical maladies and mental anguish stem from a few simple causes. We feel depressed because we drink too much, or forget to exercise, or spend time with people who always complain. We suffer back pain because of poor posture, or stress, or obesity.
A checklist begins with awareness. Sensitivity to our moods and our physical health. Observation of the conditions that promote our well-being. This awareness helps us self-diagnose and quickly take steps to heal.
So check yourself frequently. Check yourself systematically. And ensure that you function at your highest potential.
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